This stop on the library tour brings us to the meeting room. The ample space in this room makes many different types of programs possible. Whether it is our Movie Matinee, Cookbook Club, Summer Reading Quest, Tech Night, Chair Yoga, or Book Club, the meeting room sees a lot of different activities for all ages.

When you first enter the library, the meeting room is the first door on the right. The room holds approximately six tables or provides a wide open space when the tables are folded up. There are always 40 chairs available in the room, but a few more can be added if the event requires.

At the front of the meeting room, you can find a podium and a bulletin board with all of our upcoming events. A dry erase board is also available at the library and can be easily moved into this room for events. On the opposite wall, there are several cabinets with supplies, a sink, and a coffee station. Coffee or tea is available for purchase at the rate of $1.00 per cup at any time during library hours.

You may pay for your hot beverage at the circulation desk. If we are running low on coffee or tea or you are looking for a certain kind, please inquire at the desk and we will check our supply for you.

If you are interested in reserving the meeting room, please consult our facilities usage policy that can be found on our Resources page. After filling out the form, please mail it or drop it off for review by our director. Call us at 724-379-5511 with any questions.
If you would like to see this level of services continue, please make a donation to Rostraver Public Library. You can donate directly by clicking this link.
Thank you for your support.
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